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Best reviews

2023: On the use of CBD for panic disorder
Cannabidiol, NegEnt and Panic Disorder

2022: A review of using CBD to treat mood disorders
Cannabidiol in the Treatment of Mood Disorders


2022: A review of using CBD to treat cannabis use disorder
Cannabidiol pharmacotherapy for delta-9-tetrahidrocannabinol dependence

2022: A review of using cannabinoids to treat cannabis use disorder finds that dronabinol (a synthetic form of THC) reduced withdrawal symptoms & that cannabis use overall was decreased by CBD, nabiximols (1:1 THC:CBD sprays) as well as a FAAH inhibitor
Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Cannabis Use Disorder: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

2022: A review of treating alcohol use disorder by targeting the CB2 receptor
Role of Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor in Alcohol Use Disorders: From Animal to Human Studies

2022: A review of CBD for substance use disorders finds that most of the available research is preclinical – but they suggest the therapeutic potential
Cannabidiol in the context of substance use disorder treatment: A systematic review

2022: A review of studies on THC helping with opioid withdrawal
Alleviation of opioid withdrawal by cannabis and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol: A systematic review of observational and experimental human studies

2022: On CBD & behavioral health
Cannabidiol: Overview, Complexities, and Opportunities for Behavioral Health

2022: A review of bipolar disorders & the potential endocannabinoid alterations underlying it
The endocannabinoid system in borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder: A scoping review

2022: A review on treating depression rapidly by targeting the endocannabinoid system
Rapid treatments for depression: Endocannabinoid system as a therapeutic target

2022: A review of using CBD for stress related disorders
Potential Utility of Cannabidiol in Stress-Related Disorders

2022: A review of the evidence for CBD finds help for anxiety & anti-addiction effects
The safety and efficacy of low oral doses of cannabidiol: An evaluation of the evidence

2022: A review confirms the efficacy of CBD for social anxiety
Systematic literature review of human studies assessing the efficacy of cannabidiol for social anxiety


2022: A review of the studies on using CBD & THC for anxiety
Medicinal cannabis for the treatment of anxiety disorders

2022: In a meta-analysis covering 1,132 rodents in a model of depression, “cannabinoid administration moderately improved the pooled negative effects of chronic unpredictable stress on anhedonia [inability to feel pleasure], learned helplessness, novelty suppressed feeding, time in the anxiogenic [anxiety-producing] context, and entries into the anxiogenic context”
The antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of cannabinoids in chronic unpredictable stress: a preclinical systematic review and meta-analysis

2022: This review looks at the potential of CBD for suicide prevention
Suicidality and Cannabidiol: Opportunities and Challenges

2022: In as fascinating review of sociality & the ECS in animal models, directly activating the cannabinoid receptors tends to lead to less social behaviors but indirectly activating them via enzyme inhibition (a function of CBD) tends to increase social behaviors
Effects of Endocannabinoid System Modulation on Social Behaviour: A Systematic Review of Animal Studies

2022: A review of CBD for mental health with a focus on dampening the inflammasome of the microglial cells (immune cells of the brain)
The NLRP3 inflammasome in stress response: another target for the promiscuous cannabidiol?

2022: An in-depth review of treating depression by focusing on the brain’s lateral habenula (the “anti-reward system”) & the CB1 receptors on its astrocytes (brain regulatory/immune cells)
The intersection of astrocytes and the endocannabinoid system in the lateral habenula: on the fast-track to novel rapid-acting antidepressants

2022: A review of the promise of cannabinoids for early neurodevelopmental disorders such as intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, tics & attention/deficit hyperactivity disorder
The role of cannabinoids in neurodevelopmental disorders of children and adolescents

2022: A review of treating neuropsychiatric diseases by harnessing the endocannabinoid’s power to modulate neurotransmitter release, synapse excitability & support cell signaling & the control of cellular respiration
Endocannabinoids at the synapse and beyond: implications for neuropsychiatric disease pathophysiology and treatment

2022: A review of THC & CBD for pain & mental health conditions
Tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol medicines for chronic pain and mental health conditions

2022: This review looks at the use of CBD for psychiatric disorders & finds the strongest evidence for psychotic symptoms & anxiety

A scoping review of the use of cannabidiol in psychiatric disorders

2022: A review of cannabis for anxiety

A Comparative Review of Cannabis-Based Medication and First-Line Pharmacotherapy Treatments for Anxiety Disorders

2021: This insightful review of the literature suggests the mechanisms by which CBD exerts its promising effects on PTSD

Cannabidiol and the corticoraphe circuit in post-traumatic stress disorder

2021: This review discusses targeting the ECS for treatment of PTSD

Targeting the endocannabinoid system in the treatment of PTSD: A promising case of preclinical-clinical translation?

2021: This review looks at how the endocannabinoids regulate your metabolism, stress response & development

Lipid endocannabinoids in energy metabolism, stress and developmental programming

2021: This review looks at targeting the ECS for social anxiety disorder – with a focus on CBD

The endocannabinoid system in social anxiety disorder: from pathophysiology to novel therapeutics

2021: A review of how the cannabinoids relate to our fear & anxiety systems

Cannabinoids: revealing their complexity and role in central networks of fear and anxiety

2021: CV Sciences medical adviser Dr. Jamie Corroon on using CBD to lessen the anxiety that can be caused by THC

2021: This expert panel of Colombian psychiatrists suggested CBD for the treatment of the major mental disorders

Colombian consensus of treatment with pure cannabidiol (CBD) in Psychiatry

2021: This in-depth review looks at targeting the endocannabinoid system for serious mental health disorders

The Endocannabinoidome in Neuropsychiatry: Opportunities and Potential Risks

2021: A review of the endocannabinoid system as a guardian of mental health

Endocannabinoid system in trauma and psychosis: distant guardian of mental stability

2021: In this review of aggression, they find that activating the CB1 receptor helps suppress impulsive aggression

Regulation of stress-provoked aggressive behavior using endocannabinoids

2021: This meta-review of clinical trials looks at CBD's reducing psychotic symptoms of THC as well as effects on schizophrenia & cannabis addiction (10 trials)

Efficacy of Cannabidiol for Δ-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Psychotic Symptoms, Schizophrenia, and Cannabis Use Disorders: A Narrative Review

2020: A review of essential oils & the ECS

A Systematic Review of Essential Oils and the Endocannabinoid System: A Connection Worthy of Further Exploration

2020: A review suggesting targeting the ECS for treating Borderline Personality Disorder

Targeting the Endocannabinoid System in Borderline Personality Disorder

2020: A review looking at how THC & CBD affect the recognition of emotions in facial expressions

The effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) and Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on the recognition of emotions in facial expressions: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials

2020: A review of CBD during neurodevelopment for schizophrenia & autism

Is Cannabidiol During Neurodevelopment a Promising Therapy for Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorders?

2020: A review of why CBD & fish oil can be helpful for mental health via their effects on the PPAR receptors (nuclear receptors that control genetic transcription)

Functional interactions between cannabinoids, omega-3 fatty acids and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors: Implications for mental health pharmacotherapies

2020: CBD & suicidality

Suicidality and Cannabidiol: Opportunities and Challenges

2020: A review of CBD for mental health

The Impact of Cannabidiol on Psychiatric and Medical Conditions

2020: The ECS as biomarkers for mental health

Endocannabinoid System Components as Potential Biomarkers in Psychiatry

2020: A review of mental disorders & the cannabinoids 

Cannabinoids and their therapeutic applications in mental disorders

2020: A review of the importance of synapses in mental disorders & how cannabinoids can help

Cannabis points to the synaptic pathology of mental disorders: how aberrant synaptic components disrupt the highest psychological functions

2020: Di Marzo on the ECS & how its healing of the guts can lead to healing of the mind

The endocannabinoidome as a substrate for noneuphoric phytocannabinoid action and gut microbiome dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders

2020: Review of what we know about how the ECS is disordered in psychotic and mood disorders

Endocannabinoid system in psychotic and mood disorders: A review of human studies

2020: A review of CBD for mental health

The therapeutic role of Cannabidiol in mental health: a systematic review

2020: A review of the studies of CBD and schizophrenia

Cannabidiol as a treatment option for schizophrenia: recent evidence and current studies

2019: A review of the ECS & bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder and the endocannabinoid system

2019: A review of the ECS & OCD: charts of circuits & CB1 distribution

The Endocannabinoid System: A New Treatment Target for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

2019: A review of the clinical studies of CBD for psychosis & addiction

The Potential of Cannabidiol as a Treatment for Psychosis and Addiction: Who Benefits Most? A Systematic Review

2019: A review of CBD & psychosis

Cannabidiol as a potential treatment for psychosis

2019: A review of PET scans of ECS signaling in psychiatric disorders

Endocannabinoid signaling in psychiatric disorders: a review of positron emission tomography studies

2019: CBD in psychiatry

Cannabidiol (CBD) use in psychiatric disorders: A systematic review

2019: A review finds cannabis terpenes and terpenoids "may be an important potential source for new medications for the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders."

The “Entourage Effect”: Terpenes Coupled with Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders

2019: A review about CBD and psychiatric conditions

Preclinical and Clinical Evidence Supporting Use of Cannabidiol in Psychiatry

2019: A review of CBD and psychiatric disorders

Effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in neuropsychiatric disorders: A review of pre-clinical and clinical findings

2019: CBD and psychiatry

Cannabidiol: Recent advances and new insights for neuropsychiatric disorders treatment

2018: Pharmacology of CBD and psychiatry

Pharmacological properties of cannabidiol in the treatment of psychiatric disorders: a critical overview

2018: A review of glial cells & the cannabinoids in schizophrenia

Cannabinoids and glial cells: possible mechanism to understand schizophrenia

2018: CBD & recent-onset psychosis

The Potential of Cannabidiol Treatment for Cannabis Users With Recent-Onset Psychosis

2017: CBD & cognitive function with relevance to schizophrenia

A systematic review of the effect of cannabidiol on cognitive function: Relevance to schizophrenia

2017: The effects of the ECS on emotions, consciousness and dreams

The Endocannabinoid System Modulating Levels of Consciousness, Emotions and Likely Dream Contents

2017: Mechanisms of CBD for psychiatry

Plastic and Neuroprotective Mechanisms Involved in the Therapeutic Effects of Cannabidiol in Psychiatric Disorders

2016: CBD and motivational disorders

Beyond the CB1 Receptor: Is Cannabidiol the Answer for Disorders of Motivation?

2013: Mechoulam on how the huge swathe of FAAHs may be key to personality

The endocannabinoid system and the brain

2012: Mechanisms of  CBD for mental disorders

Multiple mechanisms involved in the large-spectrum therapeutic potential of cannabidiol in psychiatric disorders

2009: The ECS & emotional homeostasis

Functional role of the endocannabinoid system in emotional homeostasis

Timeline of Research

2023: In a mouse model of type-1 diabetes, CBD helped with their anxiety & fearful memories
Cannabidiol modulates contextual fear memory consolidation in animals with experimentally induced type-1 diabetes mellitus

2023: In rats anxious because of the withdrawal of food, blocking their FAAH enzyme (a function of CBD) reduced their anxiety
Anxiety associated with palatable food withdrawal is reversed by the selective FAAH inhibitor PF-3845: A regional analysis of the contribution of endocannabinoid signaling machinery

2023: In a mouse model of fetal alcohol syndrome, CBD helped with their emotional & cognitive disturbances
Cannabidiol repairs behavioral and brain disturbances in a model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

2022: In older rats, 7 days of CBD treatment caused an antidepressant effect
Dose-Dependent Antidepressant-Like Effects of Cannabidiol in Aged Rats

2022: In teens rats withdrawing from an alcohol binge, CBD increased their social exploration, reduced stress hormone levels, restored dopamine transmission & helped to strengthen & remodel their brain connections
Social stress under binge-like alcohol withdrawal in adolescence: evidence of cannabidiol effect on maladaptive plasticity in rats

2022: In female rats, CBD helped to block them from storing fearful memories via the CB1 receptor
Cannabidiol impairs fear memory reconsolidation in female rats through dorsal hippocampus CB1 but not CB2 receptor interaction

2022: In humans with acute mania being treated with lithium & risperidone, 600 mg of PEA caused a significantly lower score on the Young Mania Rating Scale
Efficacy and safety of palmitoylethanolamide as an adjunctive treatment for acute mania: a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial

2022: In male mice, low doses of CBD increases social interaction
Acute Low Dose Cannabidiol Treatment Boosts Social Interaction Preference in Male Mice


2022: In a rat model of methamphetamine addiction, CBD inhibited the rewarding effects & increased the extinction of use as well as protecting relevant brain cells
Cannabidiol attenuates methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference in male rats and viability in PC12 cells through the Sigma1R/AKT/GSK3β/CREB signaling pathway

2022: In a rat model of stimulant addiction, CBD lowered the likelihood of relapse as well as lowering anxiety levels & improving endocannabinoid & dopamine machinery levels in the brain
Cannabidiol treatment prevents drug reinstatement and the molecular alterations evoked by amphetamine on receptors and enzymes from dopaminergic and endocannabinoid systems in rats

2022: In rats addicted to methamphetamine, CBD (but not CBDA) helped them to self-administer less
Cannabidiol but not cannabidiolic acid reduces behavioural sensitisation to methamphetamine in rats, at pharmacologically effective doses


2022: In a small open label study of people with opioid use disorder already using buprenorphine, 600 mg of CBD for 3 days significantly lowered cue-induced craving
Cannabidiol Effect on Cue-Induced Craving for Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder Treated with Buprenorphine: A Small Proof-of-Concept Open-Label Study

2022: A small study of using a CBD vape for treating cannabis use disorder helped 30% of the patients reduce their use by half
Efficiency of Inhaled Cannabidiol in Cannabis Use Disorder: The Pilot Study Cannavap

2022: In a mouse model of depression, inhibiting the FAAH enzyme helped reverse depression caused by early life stress
FAAH Inhibition Restores Early Life Stress-Induced Alterations in PFC microRNAs Associated with Depressive-Like Behavior in Male and Female Rats

2022: Among patients taking CBD for a month, it significantly improved well-being, anxiety, sleep disturbance & pain
The Safety and Effectiveness of Commercially Available Cannabidiol Products for Health and Well-Being: A Randomized, Multi-Arm, Open-Label Waitlist-Controlled Trial

2022: In stress-related psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, schizophrenia & depression, a review of how CBD’s ability to methylate (turn off) genes in the DNA can help regulate enzymes that help with these disorders
Regulation of DNA Methylation by Cannabidiol and Its Implications for Psychiatry: New Insights from In Vivo and In Silico Models

2022: In a survey of humans with Tourette’s syndrome, while THC & CBD did not help with tics, it did help to improve several other areas such as OCD, anxiety, employment status & general quality of life
Use of Medical Cannabis in Patients with Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome in a Real-World Setting


2022: A survey of singers finds that they use CBD for stress, anxiety or chronic pain
Alternative and Complimentary Medication Use in Singers: A Pilot Survey

2022: Hair analysis suggests that low anandamide levels are correlated with symptoms of depression
Depressive symptoms are negatively associated with hair N-arachidonoylethanolamine (anandamide) levels: A cross-lagged panel analysis of four annual assessment waves examining hair endocannabinoids and cortisol

2022: In a mouse model of anxiety, the ability of CBD to lower anxiety seemed to have gender differences based on the hormone cycle of the females
Sex-dependent differences in the anxiolytic-like effect of cannabidiol in the elevated plus-maze

2022: A series of case studies on using CBD for anxiety (with an especially well-done chart on the many biochemical actions of CBD)
Cannabidiol as a personalized treatment for anxiety: clinical cases in Mexico

2022: In young people with treatment-resistant anxiety, CBD (up to 800 mg per day) significantly reduced their depression scores
Cannabidiol for Treatment-Resistant Anxiety Disorders in Young People: An Open-Label Trial

2022: In mice threatened by pit vipers, CBD reduced their panic & defensive responses
CB 1 receptor signalling mediates cannabidiol-induced panicolytic-like effects and defensive antinociception impairment in mice threatened by Bothrops jararaca lancehead pit vipers

2022: A look at how dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system may underlie suicidal behavior & represent an avenue of treatment
Characterizing chronic non-suicidal self-injury and other forms of repetitive and escalating suicide behaviour as endocannabinoid-mediated pain and reward disorders

2022: A case report of cannabis helping with generalized anxiety disorder
A Case Report on Generalized Anxiety Disorder through Medical Cannabis

2022: In a mouse model of anxiety & depression, CBD seemed to help via the CB1 receptor as well as by increasing the genetic expression of GABA & cannabinoid receptors
Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Involvement in the Actions of CBD on Anxiety and Coping Behaviors in Mice

2022: In a mouse model of anxiety & depression, CBD seemed to help via the CB1 receptor as well as by increasing the genetic expression of GABA & cannabinoid receptors
Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Involvement in the Actions of CBD on Anxiety and Coping Behaviors in Mice

2022: A survey of people with substance use disorder who used CBD found that it helped them to sleep better, relax, reduce pain & feel less anxious
Cannabidiol use among patients with substance use disorders

2022: A survey of Canadian cannabis users found these conditions at the top of the list: anxiety (70%), insomnia (56%), pain (53%), depression (37%)
A description of self-medication with cannabis among adults with legal access to cannabis in Quebec, Canada

2022: In a mouse model of approach & avoidance to fearful stimuli, the ECS worked with the immune system to control inflammation in the amygdala (a central brain hub for emotional processing, especially fear) as well as modulating synaptic plasticity & neuronal metabolism

Transcriptomic and Network Analyses Reveal Immune Modulation by Endocannabinoids in Approach/Avoidance Traits

2022: In humans with borderline & antisocial personality disorders, the strength of the binding of their FAAH enzymes was correlated with neuroticism

Higher trait neuroticism is associated with greater fatty acid amide hydrolase binding in borderline and antisocial personality disorders

2022: In a mouse model of memory, the ability of certain serotonin receptors to regulate spatial memory is dependent on a pathway using CB1 & GABA

5-HT3A receptors maintain hippocampal LTP in a CB1 and GABAA receptor- dependent manner for spatial memory

2022: An analysis of medical cannabis patients finds that it helps them with generalized anxiety disorder

UK Medical Cannabis Registry: an analysis of clinical outcomes of medicinal cannabis therapy for generalized anxiety disorder

2022: An analysis of the patients in the UK’s Medical Cannabis Registry, they found “treatment to be associated with a relatively low incidence of severe adverse events” & “positive changes following treatment were observed in general, as well as anxiety and sleep-specific, HRQoL [health-related quality of life] outcomes”

An Updated Analysis of Clinical Outcome Measures Across Patients From the UK Medical Cannabis Registry

2022: Endocannabinoids & endovanilloids balance each other’s actions in the release of stress hormones

Cannabinoid and vanilloid pathways mediate opposing forms of synaptic plasticity in corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons

2022: A study of anxiety in humans finds that 2-AG levels change in response to stress

Endocannabinoid system reactivity during stress processing in healthy humans


2022: In a mouse model of fear and anxiety, using orexin to increase 2-AG levels in the amygdala & hippocampus led to less extinction of fearful memories

Amygdalar CB2 cannabinoid receptor mediates fear extinction deficits promoted by orexin-A/hypocretin-1

2022: In female mice with early life stress, CBD reverses their anxiety & depression behaviors via a modulation of brain energy metabolism

Early-life stress induces emotional and molecular alterations in female mice that are partially reversed by cannabidiol

2022: In female mice with early life stress, CBD reverses their anxiety & depression behaviors via a modulation of brain energy metabolism

Early-life stress induces emotional and molecular alterations in female mice that are partially reversed by cannabidiol

2022: In a mouse model of depression, LSD combined with CBD to help alleviate depression more than either substance alone

Synergistic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and cannabidiol (CBD)

2022: In a mouse model of depression, CBD prevented depressive behaviors by modulating the differentiation of neural stem cells into less stressful configurations

Cannabidiol prevents depressive-like behaviors through the modulation of neural stem cell differentiation

2022: In humans with PTSD, CBD significantly lowered their stress levels while recalling traumatic events

Effects of cannabidiol on symptoms induced by the recall of traumatic events in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder

2021: In mice with no CB2 receptor, they had an impaired social memory

Cannabinoid receptor 2 deletion influences social memory and synaptic architecture in the hippocampus

2021: In a mouse model of PTSD & aversive memories, this study looks at how CBD works in the brain to help

Medial prefrontal cortex mechanisms of cannabidiol-induced aversive memory reconsolidation impairments

2021: In humans consuming CBD, they saw no negative effects on working memory

Cannabidiol Does Not Cause Significant Changes to Working Memory Performance in the N-Back Task

2021: In older mice, THC worked better alone for reversing spatial learning deficits than when combined with CBD because the presence of CBD caused more rapid clearance of the THC

Efficacy of Δ 9 -Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Alone or in Combination With a 1:1 Ratio of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Reversing the Spatial Learning Deficits in Old Mice

2021: In mice with memory impairment from the calcium channel blocker verapamil, a blocker of the CB1 receptor (similar to CBD) helps to counter the negative memory effects

The interactive effects of verapamil and CB1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist/inverse agonist, AM251 on passive avoidance learning and memory in rat

2021: In mice, the link between gut microbiome & mental health is mediated by the endocannabinoid system

Effect of gut microbiota on depressive-like behaviors in mice is mediated by the endocannabinoid system

2021: In humans, this cohort analysis found that the diversity of your gut microbiome was related to your happiness & motivation via the endocannabinoid system, especially via PEA (an endocannabinoid)

Endocannabinoid system mediates the association between gut-microbial diversity and anhedonia/amotivation in a general population cohort

2021: In humans, a trial of the effect of CBD & THC on emotions, cognition & attention

Effects of Cannabidiol and Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Emotion, Cognition, and Attention: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Experimental Trial in Healthy Volunteers

2020: In patients with borderline personality disorder, they tended to have more FAAH enzyme in their prefrontal cortex

Elevated Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in the Prefrontal Cortex of Borderline Personality Disorder: A [ 11 C]CURB Positron Emission Tomography Study

2020: In humans with OCD, THC & CBD did not lower the tics but they did lessen anxiety (12 participants in a randomized, placebo-controlled, human laboratory study)

Acute effects of cannabinoids on symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder: A human laboratory study

2020: In humans, yoga & meditation are good for your ECS

Inner Engineering Practices and Advanced 4-day Isha Yoga Retreat Are Associated with Cannabimimetic Effects with Increased Endocannabinoids and Short-Term and Sustained Improvement in Mental Health: A Prospective Observational Study of Meditators

2020: In prairie voles (a model organism of sociality), increasing anandamide levels caused female prairie voles to spend more time with males, both friends & strangers

Effects of systemic endocannabinoid manipulation on social and exploratory behavior in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster)

2020: In humans who attempt suicide, they have higher serum levels of AEA & PEA than similar cases in psychiatric care

Serum endocannabinoid levels in suicide attempters: A pilot study

2020: In rats separated from their mothers & then isolated in adolescence, the dopamine & endocannabinoid systems of their brains were rewired & increased their tendency to alcoholism

Maternal separation plus social isolation during adolescence reprogram brain dopamine and endocannabinoid systems and facilitate alcohol intake in rats

2020: In mice, sociability is partially regulated by the ECS in the amygdala

An endocannabinoid-regulated basolateral amygdala-nucleus accumbens circuit modulates sociability

2020: In the brain regions related to social attachment in voles, the density of CB1 receptors were higher in the monogamous prairie voles than in the promiscuous meadow voles

Cannabinoid Receptor Type 1 Densities Reflect Social Organization in Microtus

2020: In rats, the relationship of the CB1 receptor to memory formation

Effect of the Endocannabinoid System in Memory Updating and Forgetting

2020: In rat brains, the ECS contributes to long-term depression (the downregulation of neural signals)

Endocannabinoid receptors contribute significantly to multiple forms of long-term depression in the rat dentate gyrus

2020: From slices of rat brain, they found how the ECS controls the synapses involved in memory formation

Temporal Gating of Synaptic Competition in the Amygdala by Cannabinoid Receptor Activation

2020: In mice, the activation of CB1 during exercise helps to enhance learning & memory via glutamate, BDNF and an increased number of dendrites

The endocannabinoid system regulates the moderate exercise-induced enhancement of learning and memory in mice

2020: In tissue samples, we learn how 2-AG helps to regulate the brain plasticity via the dopamine pathway

Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and D1 dopamine receptors regulate diacylglycerol lipase-α and synaptic 2-arachidonoyl glycerol signaling

2020: In rats addicted to meth, CBD protected from the memory loss of the drug

Neuroprotective effect of chronic administration of cannabidiol during the abstinence period on methamphetamine-induced impairment of recognition memory in the rats

2020: In humans, THC affected various emotional & attentional scores while CBD did not

Effects of Cannabidiol and Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Emotion, Cognition, and Attention: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Experimental Trial in Healthy Volunteers

2020: In mice, exercise enhances learning & memory via the ECS's effect on glutamate & BDNF (a brain growth factor)

Exercise enhances learning and memory: the role of endogenous cannabinoid system

2020: In rat brains, the interplay of GABA and cannabinoids mediate the amnesia effects of morphine

GABA-cannabinoid interplays in the dorsal hippocampus and basolateral amygdala mediate morphine-induced amnesia

2020: In rats, CBD helps protects against the cognitive impairment of ketamine

Cannabidiol Improves Cognitive Impairment and Reverses Cortical Transcriptional Changes Induced by Ketamine, in Schizophrenia-Like Model in Rats

2020: In rats, how running on a treadmill repairs memory impairment via the ECS

Treadmill exercise improves LPS-induced memory impairments via endocannabinoid receptors and cyclooxygenase enzymes

2019: In mice, CBD caused no detrimental effects on memory, motor performance or anxiety

Prolonged Cannabidiol Treatment Lacks on Detrimental Effects on Memory, Motor Performance and Anxiety in C57BL/6J Mice

2019: In stressed rats, CB1 modulates the effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids on the memory

Cannabinoid receptor type 1 modulates the effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids on memory of stressed rats

2019: In songbirds, CBD helps their recovery of singing abilities after a brain injury

Cannabidiol improves vocal learning-dependent recovery from, and reduces magnitude of deficits following, damage to a cortical-like brain region in a songbird pre-clinical animal model

2019: In aged mice, CB2 activation by β-caryophyllene (the most common terpene in cannabis) improves memory

The cannabinoid receptor 2 agonist, β-caryophyllene, improves working memory and reduces circulating levels of specific proinflammatory cytokines in aged male mice

2019: In mice, memory deficits from chronic CB1 activation is prevented by a blocker of adenosine

Memory deficits induced by chronic cannabinoid exposure are prevented by adenosine A 2A R receptor antagonism

2018: In regular cannabis users, 200 mg of CBD per day caused less depressive & psychotic symptoms as well as improved scores in attentional switching, verbal learning & memory

Therapeutic Effects of Prolonged Cannabidiol Treatment on Psychological Symptoms and Cognitive Function in Regular Cannabis Users: A Pragmatic Open-Label Clinical Trial

2017: In humans, CBD does not dampen emotional responses

Cannabidiol Does Not Dampen Responses to Emotional Stimuli in Healthy Adults

2016: In mice, CB1 helps to regulate habit formation

Endocannabinoid Modulation of Orbitostriatal Circuits Gates Habit Formation

2016: In rats, anandamide mediates optimistic judgements

Anandamide mediates cognitive judgement bias in rats

2015: In rodents, blocking MAGL and raising 2AG inhibits learning and memory – but produces painkilling effects

Selective blockade of the hydrolysis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol impairs learning and memory performance while producing antinociceptive activity in rodents

2015: in humans, THC impairs the recognition of facial emotions while combining THC with CBD caused no impairment

Acute effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol and their combination on facial emotion recognition: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in cannabis users

2014: In mice with induced OCD, CBD decreased marble-burying behavior

Cannabidiol reverses the mCPP-induced increase in marble-burying behavior

2013: In stressed rats, cannabinoids help prevents the harms to plasticity and short-term memory

Cannabinoids ameliorate impairments induced by chronic stress to synaptic plasticity and short-term memory

2013: In monkeys, CBD protects from deficits of THC on memory, learning and motor skills

Cannabidiol attenuates deficits of visuospatial associative memory induced by Δ(9) tetrahydrocannabinol

2012: In rats, a single dose of CBD rescued the memory after impairment from an iron overload

Memory-rescuing effects of cannabidiol in an animal model of cognitive impairment relevant to neurodegenerative disorders

2012: In rats & mice, a look at the effects of CBD & other cannabinoids on OCD

Plasma and brain pharmacokinetic profile of cannabidiol (CBD), cannabidivarine (CBDV), Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) and cannabigerol (CBG) in rats and mice following oral and intraperitoneal administration and CBD action on obsessive-compulsive behaviour.

2010: In mice, CBD causes less OCD behavior via the CB1 receptor

Cannabidiol inhibitory effect on marble-burying behaviour: involvement of CB1 receptors

2010: in two patients, high levels of CBD for ~30 days was well tolerated but not effective for their bipolar disorder

Cannabidiol was ineffective for manic episode of bipolar affective disorder

2010: In humans, CBD protected from the amnesia effects of THC

Impact of cannabidiol on the acute memory and psychotomimetic effects of smoked cannabis: naturalistic study: naturalistic study [corrected]

2010: comment

Does cannabidiol protect against the negative effects of THC?

2010: In testing of human cannabis smokers, CBD seemed to attenuate memory deficits caused by THC

Impact of cannabidiol on the acute memory and psychotomimetic effects of smoked cannabis: naturalistic study

2009: Brain scans of the effects from THC & CBD

Distinct effects of {delta}9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on neural activation during emotional processing

2006: In mice, CBD extracts did not reverse memory deficits caused by cholinergic  (scopolamine) or glutamatergic (MK801) insults

Scopolamine and MK801-induced working memory deficits in rats are not reversed by CBD-rich cannabis extracts

2004: In rats, THC extracts caused problems for spatial working/short-term memory but CBD extracts did not

Differential effects of THC- or CBD-rich cannabis extracts on working memory in rats

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