Best of the Week...
In humans, taking your CBD after a fatty meal helps with absorption
The Effects of Food on Cannabidiol Bioaccessibility
This review of clinical trials finds that CBD helps to decrease appetite
Approved cannabinoids for medical purposes - Comparative systematic review and meta-analysis for sleep and appetite
An elephant in Mexico was successfully treated with CBD for its abscesses & lack of appetite
Preliminary Evaluation of Cannabidiol Use in an Asian Elephant: Brief Report
In humans, PEA as well as the flavonoid luteolin helped to recover the sense of smell after a COVID infection
Randomized clinical trial "olfactory dysfunction after COVID-19: olfactory rehabilitation therapy vs. intervention treatment with Palmitoylethanolamide and Luteolin": preliminary results
In children with epilepsy & autism, Zynerba’s CBD transdermal gel helped with sleep
Impact of ZYN002 Cannabidiol Transdermal Gel on Sleep in Children and Adolescents With Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies and Comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder
A survey of families with CDKL5 (a genetic disorder leading to early seizures) reports that they find cannabis & CBD products to be helpful
The perceived effects of cannabis products in the management of seizures in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder
In lung cells, CBD potently lowered replication of SARS-CoV-2 (this paper is not peer-reviewed – so be even more cautious with its results)
Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response
This review highlights the many parts of the ECS that can be targeted to treat depression
Molecular Targets of Cannabinoids Associated with Depression
In a rat model of Parkinson’s disease, CBD helped with their musculoskeletal pain
Cannabidiol has therapeutic potential for myofascial pain in female and male parkinsonian rats
A study in tissues supports CBD’s anti-diabetic effects
Evaluation of cannabidiol's inhibitory effect on alpha-glucosidase and its stability in simulated gastric and intestinal fluids
In rats exposed to THC, CBD blocked the anxiety-producing effects & enhanced the anxiety-reliving effects
Female but not male rats show biphasic effects of low doses of Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on anxiety: can cannabidiol interfere with these effects?
In a mouse model of fetal alcohol syndrome, CBD protected the brain from cognitive deficits & neuroinflammation
Cannabidiol attenuates cognitive deficits and neuroinflammation induced by early alcohol exposure in a mice model
Clinical Studies & Reviews of CBD & the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
This survey of Canadian cannabis clinics found CBD helped for pain, anxiety & depression in moderate & severe cases but not mild cases
Cannabidiol use and effectiveness: real-world evidence from a Canadian medical cannabis clinic
In mice, ketamine & CBD combined to increase their antidepressant effects
Co-administration of cannabidiol and ketamine induces antidepressant-like effects devoid of hyperlocomotor side-effects
popular article: Project CBD on the antidepressant effects of CBD & ketamine
In brain scans of human with autism, CBDV caused the striatum of the brain to move towards more neurotypical functionality
Modulation of striatal functional connectivity differences in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder in a single-dose randomized trial of cannabidivarin
In humans, genetic differences in their CB1 receptors & FAAH enzymes showed that they are involved in forgetting fears
Cannabinoid polymorphisms interact with plasma endocannabinoid levels to predict fear extinction learning
A review of using cannabinoids to treat opiate addiction
Cannabinoid treatment of opiate addiction
This review looks at the ECS in urology & male reproductive health
The endocannabinoid system, cannabis, and cannabidiol: Implications in urology and men's health
This review looks at how CB1 receptors regulate astrocytes (key players in the homeostasis of neurons)
CB1R-dependent regulation of astrocyte physiology and astrocyte-neuron interactions
A review of targeting the ECS for treating schizophrenia
The endocannabinoid system as a therapeutic target for schizophrenia: Failures and potentials
Preclinical Research & Cannabinoid Chemistry
In hair cells, CBD may be a treatment for the hormonal imbalances & excess signaling of alopecia (patchy hair loss)
Regulatory Effect of Cannabidiol (CBD) on Decreased β-Catenin Expression in Alopecia Models by Testosterone and PMA Treatment in Dermal Papilla Cells
In a rat model of myocardial ischemia reperfusion (the return of blood flow to the heart after a heart attack), pretreatment with CBD protected the heart from damage
Cannabidiol-mediated RISK PI3K/AKT and MAPK/ERK pathways decreasing reperfusion myocardial damage
In mice, CBD prevented several behavioral symptoms of cocaine addiction & may help to prevent the development of addiction or the likelihood to relapse
Cannabidiol prevents several of the behavioral alterations related to cocaine addiction in mice
In zebrafish, CBD oil had little impact on the microbiome
Passive exposure to cannabidiol oil does not cause microbiome dysbiosis in larval zebrafish
In a mouse model of Dravet Syndrome, CBD & clonazepam combined well to reduce seizure duration
Combined Antiseizure Efficacy of Cannabidiol and Clonazepam in a Conditional Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
In rats with spinal cord injuries, activating the CB2 receptor helped mitigate their osteoporosis
Delayed Systemic Treatment with Cannabinoid Receptor 2 Agonist Mitigates Spinal Cord Injury-Induced Osteoporosis More Than Acute Treatment Directly after Injury
In mice disoriented by an anesthetic, activating the CB2 receptor protects their brain & behavior via changes in hippocampal neuroinflammation, neurogenesis & neuroplasticity
Cannabinoid receptor 2 deficiency enhances isoflurane-induced spatial cognitive impairment in adult mice by affecting neuroinflammation, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity
In rats, the ECS & the dopamine system are linked to the changes associated with obesity
The endocannabinoid system is modulated in reward and homeostatic brain regions following diet-induced obesity in rats: a cluster analysis approach
In a mouse with no CB1 receptors, researchers looked at changes in social behavior & communication with relevance to autism
Communication and social interaction in the cannabinoid-type 1 receptor null mouse: Implications for autism spectrum disorder
In rats treated with low levels of electricity to control convulsions, the ECS helps to improve learning & memory
Low-Frequency Stimulation Prevents Kindling-Induced Impairment through the Activation of the Endocannabinoid System
In brain tissue, CB1 receptors on the mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) regulates the calcium signaling of the brain’s astrocytes
ER-mitochondria contacts underline cannabinoid regulation of calcium signaling in astrocytes
In female mice with no CB1 receptor, a high-fat diet caused their offspring to be susceptible to later metabolic challenges
In mice with no DAGL-β enzyme (which creates 2-AG), they had less neuroinflammation during traumatic brain injury & displayed gender differences
Diacylglycerol Lipase-β Knockout Mice Display a Sex-Dependent Attenuation of Traumatic Brain Injury-Induced Mortality with No Impact on Memory or Other Functional Consequences