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Research Roundup: July 25, 2022

Best of cannabinoid science this week...

In a patient with mild Alzheimer’s, microdosing of cannabis improved memory Cannabinoid extract in microdoses ameliorates mnemonic and nonmnemonic Alzheimer's disease symptoms: a case report

This review looks at the ability of PEA to help with neuromuscular diseases, especially those involving acetylcholine

Classical and Unexpected Effects of Ultra-Micronized PEA in Neuromuscular Function

A survey of musculoskeletal patients with pain found that cannabis helped to reduce their pain & that “89% of the participants considered medical cannabis to be more effective than narcotics for adequate pain management” Patient Experience and Perspective on Medical Cannabis as an Alternative for Musculoskeletal Pain Management

A survey of medical cannabis users again finds the use for chronic pain at the top of the list Characteristics of People Seeking Prescribed Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Chronic Pain: Evidence From Project Twenty 21

In a rat model of stimulant addiction, CBD lowered the likelihood of relapse as well as lowering anxiety levels & improving endocannabinoid & dopamine machinery levels in the brain Cannabidiol treatment prevents drug reinstatement and the molecular alterations evoked by amphetamine on receptors and enzymes from dopaminergic and endocannabinoid systems in rats In mice with high insulin levels in their blood, THC protected their livers from inflammation & oxidative stress The protective effects of Δ 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol against inflammation and oxidative stress in rat liver with fructose-induced hyperinsulinemia In a mouse model of obesity, β-caryophyllene (one of the predominant terpenes in cannabis) improves their metabolic & immunological processes β-Caryophyllene, a Dietary Cannabinoid, Protects Against Metabolic and Immune Dysregulation in a Diet-Induced Obesity Mouse Model This study of long-term cannabis users found the opposite of ‘amotivational syndrome’ – the cannabis users more frequently chose the harder tasks than the sober people Effort-based decision making and self-reported apathy in frequent cannabis users and healthy controls: A replication and extension

Another review looking at CB2 as a great target for disorders of the brain Potential Role of Cannabinoid Type 2 Receptors in Neuropsychiatric and Neurodegenerative Disorders In dogs, a study of how CBD moves through their body when taking it nasally, rectally or orally Pharmacokinetics of Cannabidiol Following Intranasal, Intrarectal, and Oral Administration in Healthy Dogs An intriguing study on how THC manages to only be a partial agonist of the CB1 receptor Mechanistic origin of partial agonism of tetrahydrocannabinol for cannabinoid receptors Partial agonism of a receptor is not an easy thing to achieve via human science. It’s much easier to make a drug that completely blocks or completely binds a receptor. To create one that can operate at half strength is more of an art. This study figures out why the tail of THC plays a crucial role in its partial agonism of CB1.



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